One of the best ways to beat the heat in the summers is to head towards a beach or water pool. Similarly, dogs also need to be cool off and swimming can be a lot of fun for them. The tips that are mentioned below will ensure that your dog has a great swimming experience as safety should always be an important part during swimming. All it requires is the common sense and some attention to ensure the safety of your dog at the time of swimming.
Summer may be the loved season for many because people get the opportunity to go for vacations, but also hated by people due to heat and humidity. Summer is also the season to swim. Like human, dogs also need water to cool them up by taking a bath. Dogs are not like cats which can lick themselves to cool themselves. Though swimming could be a great experience for your dog, but you have to keep few water safety points in your mind.
Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Swimming Pool
Be assured that your dog can swim.
As per the fact some dogs can’t swim. Either they are too young or old to swim or they have the fear of water. Accordingly, it becomes your duty to make your dog comfortable in water by persuading him with toys or paddling in with him. Once he gets familiar with the surroundings he will enjoy this experience.
Pay extra attention towards the dogs that are older.
Likewise, human, dogs also have the eyesight issue over time. So older dogs need more attention in the water. Try to be close to your dog and support him when he tries to splash water line he used to do when he was a puppy. Your physical and mental support will help your dog swim properly.
Double surety of safety with Life Jacket
Some dogs are not the greatest swimmers, but they love water and to swim. For them a life jacket could be a good idea. Then they don’t have to struggle while swimming and when you are not nearby. You can get some adorable life jackets online also.
Carry fresh water with yourself while your dog is in the pool
It may sound ironic, but it’s a fact that you should carry fresh drinking water with you when your dog is swimming. As swimming can be an exerted exercise for them and might be he will feel dehydrated.
Be aware the first aid for pet and CPR
The most important and the necessary thing to keep in mind is that you should always be ready for any situation. May be while swimming an accident occur if you are well trained and aware about the first aid, then you can react to the situation maturely. There are a lot of information available online about the first aid and CPR.
Train your dog work on your command.
If you have trained your dog so well that he could listen to your command and react accordingly, then this command activity can also be a lifesaver at the time of danger. Likewise, when you see your dog is swimming too far and you feel like than he needs a break then “Come” command can be useful.
A thorough spot check of your dog after every swim.
After swimming it becomes important to check your dog’s paw pads for cuts and scratches. Do not forget to clear your dog’s ear as the water in the ear could lead to the infection. In case of more help you can call veterinarian.
These tips and tricks can be helpful to you in taking care of your dog during this time. Then your dog will be able to enjoy this experience without any risk problem.
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