We have all seen what Michael Phelps did in Beijing Olympics. He promised eight medals for his country, the United States, which he eventually won comprehensively. So, all the swimming enthusiasts want to know how he did it. Is there a right temperature of the water for the swimmers that brings the best performance out of them?In today’s article, we are going to discuss the ideal temperature of the water of the swimming pool.
Read more: How to Choose the Best Pool Heater.So, what do competitive swimming temperature regulations say?
Since there are rules laid out for the right water temperature for the competitive swimming that takes place all around the world, it is important for the organizers to abide by these rules. The water temperature set by all the major water sports authorities is between 77 degrees Fahrenheit to 82 Degrees Fahrenheit, or 25 Degrees Celsius to 28 Degrees Celsius. This temperature range is for competitive swimming, and when it comes to synchronized swimming, the temperature is 81 Degrees Fahrenheit or 27 Degrees Celsius.
Why is it so important to choose the swimming pool with right water temperature?
The reason behind choosing these temperatures is due to the fact the warmer water provides less friction for the swimmers, so they can move much easier in the water. It is important for the organizers to follow the regulations before organizing the event that involves participants staying in the water. So, that was all about the water events that take place on an international level, but what about normal commercial swimming pools that we have in the cities?
How much temperature is considered too warm for the commercial swimming pools?
It is extremely important for the swimming pool management authorities to keep the temperature of the water to a desired level.There are many harmful effects of swimming in a pool that is filled with too much warm water. Swimmers can experience dehydration, cramps in muscles and skin burn if the swimmers stay in the pool for too long. Moreover, a swimming pool filled with too much warm water can be difficult to treat with chemicals.
Too much warm water is an ideal place for bacteria
As we all know that a wide range of bacteria, algae and other harmful organisms are present in the water, which can cause diverse medical conditions to the swimmers, which include both, professional and amateur. So, it is pivotal to have the right water temperature in order to enjoy swimming without getting any health issues.
If too much warm water is injurious to the health, then a swimming pool with too cold water can also create a lot of medical issues for the swimmers.
How much temperature is considered too cold for the commercial pools?
One of the most common issues with swimming in a cold swimming pool is the jam of the entire body. Apart from this issue, there are various more that people can suffer from, by swimming in a pool that is filled with cold water. Swimmers with the history of heart problem can land in mortal danger, such as cardiac arrest. It has also been found that cold water is also less receptive to the chemicals that are put in it to make it safe for the swimmers. The demand of chlorine slows down and when that happens, then it can result in more issues. Also, chlorine salt generators, which help keep water safe from bacteria won’t work if the temperature of the water is below 60 Degrees Fahrenheit or 15 Degrees Celsius.You will find most hotels and commercial pools with the temperature of the water within the range of 82 Degrees Fahrenheit to 85 Degrees Fahrenheit.
What do you make out of all this?
That was about the right temperature of the swimming pools. Now, when you see a swimming event on the TV, most likely the Olympics, then you can know already about the temperature of the water where your favorite swimmer will swim. With the advancement in the technology, it has become easier to control and manage the temperature of the water. This can be done with the help of heat pumps. So, next time you go out for swimming, make sure that the temperature is between 82-85 Degrees Fahrenheit. If it is not, then don’t bother getting into the pool, as it could be full of harmful elements. If you want to make a swimming pool in your house, then you can take the help of pool advisors.
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