Swimming is a great form of exercise that helps you lose weight and maintain a smashing physique. It also helps clear your head and lets you calm down from all the stress and anxieties you’ve been feeling throughout the day. Swimming is great for both the mind and the body.
It is a proven fact that swimming can do wonders to your body. Some of its many benefits include helping you manage your weight, reducing stress, boosting your mood, and strengthening your muscles.
There is no doubt about the benefits that swimming can give you. What people don’t know very much about swimming has to do with the right time to go swimming. People are always asking when is a good time to swim; in the morning, afternoon or evening. The answers to this question depend on why you are swimming in the first place.
Swimming in the Morning
Some studies show that swimming in the morning can help in weight loss. This is because when you swim in the morning, your body has just gone through a ‘fasting period’ while you sleep. It has used up all the available carbohydrates during the night to regulate your normal bodily functions. So when you swim first thing in the morning, your body has no choice but to burn stored fats in order to fuel your swim.
In order for morning swims to be effective at weight management, you must swim one hour before you intend to eat breakfast. You must also swim without eating anything.
Swimming in the morning also has its perks. During this time, the pool is usually free of too many people. You can run laps easily without bothering or bumping into anyone. Another great thing about swimming in the morning is that it clears your head before you rush off and do all the things you need to do for the day. It relaxes your mind so that you will have an easier time understanding the lessons for the day.
Swimming in the Afternoon
Any form of exercise is better than none. For some people, squeezing in a few minutes of swimming during their lunch break is better than sitting on their desks at the office eating take-out food while they work.
Swimming in the afternoon is a great way to clear your head and heat up those tight muscles. It can also invigorate you and prevent midday slump from happening. If you work in an office, swimming can help loosen tight and sore muscles.
Swimming in the afternoon is great. The thing that’s not so great about swimming in the afternoon is that you have very little time to recover, shower, and get back to your work in the afternoon. Another not so great thing about an afternoon swim is that you don’t get to push your limits. You will need to be at work in a few minutes which means you can’t have sore muscles from too much running laps.
Swimming in the Evening
Some people swear that they like swimming in the evening better than in the morning or afternoon. They say that swimming should be savored and enjoyed so it is best to swim after working hours are over. This way, you can relax and keep pushing yourself to be better because you know you have plenty of time to recover during the night as you sleep.
The only thing that could hinder a good swim at night is the lack of motivation that people usually feel after a long tiring day. Swimming at night can also cause you to become more alert and awake. This means you will have a hard time sleeping as your adrenaline is still running high from the intense swimming workout that you have done.
Whether you choose to swim to become a competitive swimmer and win that Olympic gold medal or just to swim casually just because you feel like it, you should consider adding swimming to your regular list of exercises that you should try. It is a low cost, easy exercise that has many health benefits for the body, the mind and your overall well-being. Try joining a local pool and become a member today.
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